"The time-honoured war with Kabarega had left Unyoro almost a barren waste, and we scarcely saw a native anywhere. With the exception of a few who lived near Masindi, those who had not been exterminated were in arms under their King. The desolation on all sides was most depressing...” This account was something else. It really underscores the apocalyptic nature of this time when a colonial soldier is getting misty eyed about the plight of the “natives.” What a read!
very tragic, the worst part is that i couldn't get the numbers of Banyoro who were shot because there hasn't yet been a study that totaled them up unlike in nambia and algeria, but the civilian deaths would have been great, even among allied troops. Bunyoro was one of the few places where the colonial armies outnumbered the african armies
"The time-honoured war with Kabarega had left Unyoro almost a barren waste, and we scarcely saw a native anywhere. With the exception of a few who lived near Masindi, those who had not been exterminated were in arms under their King. The desolation on all sides was most depressing...” This account was something else. It really underscores the apocalyptic nature of this time when a colonial soldier is getting misty eyed about the plight of the “natives.” What a read!
very tragic, the worst part is that i couldn't get the numbers of Banyoro who were shot because there hasn't yet been a study that totaled them up unlike in nambia and algeria, but the civilian deaths would have been great, even among allied troops. Bunyoro was one of the few places where the colonial armies outnumbered the african armies
This was an excellent read. So heartbreaking when I think of the fact that Uganda to this day has never recovered from this brutal war of conquest.